Thursday, September 13, 2012

the adventures of guacamole

So far I've made guac three times. Each time it was an adventure.

You know how the first you do something usually does't turn out the best? And thats okay, because everyone knows it.Well, I don't think anyone can beat my first time story on making guacamole. It was just me and Syd and syd's house. I bought all the ingredients, and like a dummy head I forgot to check if the avocados were soft. They were so hard we had to blend them. So I got a system going. Blend, pause, mix with spoon, repeat. It was all going fine until I forgot step two. Thats right, I left the blender going while I stuck a plastic mixing spoon in it. Yes, I know, I'm an idiot. The spoon shot out... with a piece missing. Now I had to look through it to find the piece so we would't die! I mushed through it with my bare hands, not a pleasant feeling, until finally I found what I hoped to be it. We mixed the rest up and Syd made hot chicken wraps and we had a DELISH dinner. There were three avocados in there ladies and gentlemen, we were not going to waste all the good Guac! so we just chewed thoroughly. So either I got the plastic out or one of us has a tiny piece of plastic slowly cutting us up from the inside. We'll find out eventually I suppose. Don't sue me syd, if it turns up in your stomach. 


  1. hahaha! wow, Emily.. that looks amazing!

  2. i like how you included my house in the list of people that where a part of this. and don't worry, i won't sue you.
