Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I have I mentioned I love guacamole (among other things)? It's a new passion of mine. Unfortunately, the last few times I've made it (with my friend Sydney aka deedee, among others), it was eaten before I could take a picture. So just imagine deliciousness and be jealous. Be very Jealous. 
Anywho, I've realized that my blog is suffering. Why? Because I am suffering with ideas. Why? because I forgot the purpose of my blog!!!!!! FLAVORS! I've been reading a lot of blogs and they seem to revolve around someone's life or something they love. Well I tried to make mine more like the life ones. News Flash. I don't have an interesting life! I do the same thing everyweek. The one thing that is always changing is what I eat. So I'm coming back baby. Back to food and all the deliciousness it brings. Sure, occasionally I may find something besides food that is interesting to share. But we'll get to that if it comes.

So food. Guacamole. Probably the healthiest AND most delicious dip you'll ever eat. Care to know the nutrition facts of an avocado? If you don't. I give you permission to skip ahead. However, your awesomeness level will drop two points.
 "Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit." (If you want to add awesome points, you can read more HERE)

Pretty awesome huh? PLUS it tastes good. I like em' with just salt. I do understand some of you may not have the same appreciation for the taste as I do, so I have a solution for you. 
GUACAMOLE! (Gue-wak -a- moley)
Here's what we usually do when we make guac:

 2 or 3 small avocados OR one big one
And then add "to taste" as much of the flowing"
salt and pepper!!!!!!! (super important)
Anything else your little heart desires. 
Chop and combine it up ! for more awesome flavor, put it in the fridge for an hour or so before eating:

 Don't know what to look for when buying them Avocados? It's okay, my momma told me. (p.s. my mom might come up a lot, she is the queen of cooking in my opinion) 

Small avocados are more buttery (in the delicious texture sense, not fattening sense), and are good when they look black and you can gently press them. So, firm but soft. I have had the the unfortunate experience of buying hard avocados. We had to put them in a blender, and broke a plastic spoon in the process. It was still delicious, just chunky. A big avocado will be more watery, its better for slicing and eating as is really, than it is for guacamole, it'll just be more soupy, but still delicious! And those you also buy firm but soft, but not black, usually if there is black, its from bruising.

So there you have it, all and more than you ever wanted to know about Avocados.