Friday, September 14, 2012

Dominican Higlights

Best OJ ever. At that was just at the airport. Good start? I think so. 

The group! Over half of the group had been before, but every single trip has been different, so no one knew what to expect. But that's more fun isn't it?

Money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world. 
Or rather, pesos. 

coolest chess set ever

While we were there, we did a VBS for the kids, the teachers were dominicans, but the ones who knew a little spanish in our group were helpers. I had the trial, ahem, *pleasure*, of doing the Wordless book lessons, IN SPANISH. God's grace got me through I tell ya, my spanish was full of cobwebs. 

I love their style in shoes. I KNOW that those aren't legit brands, but I wanna know how I can get me some. 

The guys did construction all week, helping the church expand, and occasionally they LET the girls help. We uh, did the best we could ;)

GLORY! I met here down there, and we still keep in touch online. She was so awesome, I can't wait to see her again, whenever that happens. 

That little girl in the middle was named Kendali. She had us and the domincans wrapped around her extremely little finger.

Cool view from Puerto Plata. We had mountains on one side and endless ocean on the other. Breathtaking. 

Also extremely windy,


We worked in a large city called Santiago. This is a view from it's capital building. 

This is the view from the TOP of it. Definitely one of my top highlights. 

Lauren found a conk shell!!!!! In the dark! 

We woke up at 5:30 to go see the sunrise, turns out it rose BEHIND the building. Oh well, it was still beautiful. 

Sand pyramids at night with someone else's flash. I thought it looked ancient like this. 

My view in the car. nice huh?

After the mission trip was over, my family stayed afterwards with some of my mom's extended family. We went to a resort. This was me kayaking with the coolest kid ever. Another top moment.

Me, Monica, and Veronica (cousins). We had good taste in shoes. Les is tying to sneak in with her lame sandal. She wishes. 

no, we didn't find aladdin's lamp

These are our coolest cousins ever. Granted, we are barely related, but Dominicans don't pay attention to that sort of thing. Monica (far right), Veronica (middle), and Javier (left), oh and little Gabriel.  


  1. Sweet pics, Em. Oh man, Javier is so tall now! I loved meeting him on the other trip because I thought he was a Dominican version of Charlie. :) Also, remember how he bonded with Sydney and gave her a Yoyo, but then made all the boys pay for theirs? ;D

  2. Oh yeah! haha. Javier is the bomb dignity. We are trying to get him and monica to come for summer. :))))
