Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm laughing in the rain.

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner adventures are always the best. You eat what you like, with people you like, doing things you like, and usually you get to try something new.

Yesterday, Four friends, plus my sister and I went to Panera Bread for dinner.
 I had a greek salad, onion soup and a cup of hot tea. Oh and they threw in an orange scone for $1 which made my breakfast this morning absolutely heavenly. The flavor of each was so intense and different I had to take a sip of tea to "cleanse my palette" every so often. Ever tried that? It works wonders when you are eating something that is strongly flavored to take a break and have a sip of something. It "refreshes" your tongue and you can continue to enjoy your meal without getting sick of your rich food.  Anyways...I do think they went a little over board with the "extras" in the Greek Salad, it was lacking the amount of lettuce that is core to every salad. However, I forgive them for it, and everything else was great. There is something unique about eating things that taste so different in the same meal. It was like sensory overload but in a good way. And the night was made better that we were all enjoying our food and having a grand old time.

Afterwards we went to get some froyo, that's short for "frozen yogurt" for those of you don't know. ;) We then decided to walk ALL THE WAY to target from there. It didn't seem so far when we walked there, but little did we know what it would take to get back. I'm not sure what the other girls did, but me and syd had a grand ole time reading birthday cards. I tell ya, we could have spent an hour in there, there was an endless supply of funny, cheesy, obnoxious, you name it, cards. Next thing ya know, we hear thunder. Me and my easily distracted brain did not think about what that meant until we were walking out. Lo and Behold, there was a torrential rainstorm in between us and our cars. We debated, and debated, and debated. Finally, syd and I volunteered to get the cars. We took off our shoes and and headed out. Syd put a bag over her head. How wet could we possible get????
                                                                Very WET

While we were running we started laughing. I'm not sure why syd was laughing, but I suddenly found it hysterical that we were running in the rain and getting SO wet. I mean what were we thinking? I started laughing so hard I could barely run. Next thing we know two greasers ;) known as hayley and anna shriek past us. I don't know why they didn't wait. Maybe for the thrill of running in the rain. What I really don't know is why they thought getting to the car first would prevent them from getting wetter. You see, syd hadn't found her car keys yet. Yep, they just waited in the rain. Leslie and Katie were the only sensible ones to stay behind. We finally go to the cars and I squished on to my seat. I was soaked. 

Well life goes on. My seat was still a little wet this morning, and I'm pretty sure I'm getting a cold (I was an idiot and just walked around my freezing house in wet clothes). All in all it was an awesome night worth remembering for a very long time.

 p.s. I ate my scone with eggs cooked with tomatoes, salt and pepper, and a chai latte. It was a heavenly morning I tell ta.

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