Tuesday, April 3, 2012

just a little bit crazy

Hello Bloggers! I have something random to share with you today, but hey, our careers add to the flavors of life too...right???????

So whenever I tell people that my major is Early Childhood Education (by the way, in case you didn't know, my major is Early Childhood Education :p), they say things like "wow, you must have a lot of patience" or "I would never work with crazy screaming kids all day." Okay maybe people don't say that last one exactly, but I see it in their eyes, they either think I am a saint or think I'm crazy. Well... I MIGHT be a little crazy but that’s beside the point. Let me tell ya something... I LOVE kids. Especially the age where they are figuring things out. Sure I know that kids can be crazy sometimes, but tell me that you have never ever one time had a crazy moment in which you danced a random dance, or felt like jumping off the walls or had a temper tantrum. I know I have. The difference between us and kids is that we do it in secret.  Kids are more honest about it, they think "who cares if I wanna take my clothes of and streak through the leaving room", even though I wish everyone were more honest, we live in a world where adult streaking is not acceptable, so please don't leave this blog with the idea to go  for your next jog in your birthday suit. but I digress... The point is, I don't see what’s so crazy about wanting to help little kids figure out their way in the world. The Lord knows that we need more good teachers who can give good influences to these kids, which is one of the reasons I think He put this in my heart... Ending on that nice sappy (but true) note, I have one more argument for my case. Look at these pictures and tell me you don't want to spend everyday with these cutie pies :)

As I was taking these through-out the week I fell even more in love with kids and teaching etc. So go find something you think you like and get involved, take pictures, make more notice of it and you will probably end up liking it more.

 p.s. everyone one of these cuties are involved in my life, please don't think I am a creep who takes random pictures of kids.

 This is my nephew Julian! he is the cutest, most precious baby in the world! Look at his little hippo teeth in the top left picture. So cute! He has quite the personality too.

This kid is one of the  Taylor's kids. My sister and I babysit for them. He is the youngest and probably the craziest. Well they are all crazy. but I love them anyways. (Don't worry, scissors can only cut playdough). Last time I went to their house we made chocolate chip cookies from an Arthur cookie mix box. They were everything but Gluten free. Did you know that Binky has food allergies?

Drum Roll Please... These are my Cubbies! Don't they look like an awesome bunch of kids!? Wouldn't you want to teach them everyday? And this is only half of them. I am a Cubbie Leader every week and every 5th week I get to teach the lesson and plan the night's. We have had some interesting but fun times.

 These are kids that I watch every thursday and friday (top and bottom) They are super fun and as you can see in the top right, a little mischievous. I'm pretty sure these twin two year-olds (yes, I wrote that write. TWIN TWO-year-olds) were plotting their escape, which they eventually did. They are so tiny they fit through a gap in the fence. The older one, (bottom) he's five. He is always reenacting angry birds and mario. It's great. 

There, now you have it, my life is overrun with little kids and I love it! You'll just have to get over it.


  1. the picture of ju ju on the right is the CUTEST picture EVER!!! hes such a little man!

  2. I know! he always seems to pose when people take pictures of him.

  3. This was a really good one:)
