Thursday, April 12, 2012

Days swiftly come and go...

Guess what? Yesterday was my birthday! Yes sir/ma'am. I turned 19. One year left of teenagehood. I felt like it was my first grown-up birthday because, being home schooled and all, life usually stopped for my birthday, especially school. But apparently the University of West Georgia doesn't care that it was my birthday. I even had a presentation due. But enough with the sob story, let me tell ya the good things that happened. First of all mom had us all eat breakfast together. That was a rarity, since that hasn't happened since the summer, but it was nice. Then school went on as usual, except it turned out that a girl I have sat across from the entire semester had the same birthday! AND she was turning 19 too! I thought that was special. Anyways, SYDNEY MALONE really made my day. After I got home from school she came over and brought me a present and the most delicious cupcake from gigi's cupcakes. It was dark chocolate and had cream cheese icing which are probably my two favorite things. It was so delicious. She knows I pretty much get everything from amazon so she got me a giftcard. Good Job Syd, you know me well. Also my mom got me more tea. Did I mention I have a passion, more and obsession really, with tea? Hot tea. I love it. Anyways, also my cubbies were at their best last night. I don't know, maybe I tinted the whole day through birthday lenses but they were the cutest and funniest they have ever been and no one super misbehaved. But what really made the night was Mason. Remember him?
Let me just recap a little conversation we had last night. And no, he didn't know it was my birthday, yet.
Mason: I love you Emily!
Me: Aw, I love you too
Mason: Guess what? 
Me: What?
Mason: I'm gonna marry you (he snickered, like I had no choice)
Me: Marry me? But I'm going to be old...
Mason: How Old?
Me: Really old.
Mason: (thinking) Like with a cane to help you walk?
Me: (laughing a little) Yes.
MAson: Will you look different?
Me: Probably
Mason: (still not getting it) Well I'll still marry you....
Mason: (worried face) How will I recognize you? Will you still be the same color!?
Me: Yes! of course I'll be the same color, and don't worry I'll remind you who I am.
At that point I was laughing and the lesson was starting so he couldn't keep asking me questions, but he was so worried he wouldn't recognize me and that he would look different too. He's five by the way. Needless to say, that DEFINITELY made my day. when a little boy says he's gonna marry you no matter what. Unfortunately I don't think I'll wait for him. Poor thing, I'll have to break it to him gently... To end the day I went out with two friends and leslie (my sista) to Chick-fil-a and I got a strawberry shake AND their new amazing cookie. Don't judge, it was my birthday. Leslie and I then proceeded to walmart because the night was still young and we spent the entire time speaking in british accents. It was quite fun. 

This was my birthday dinner. Doesn't it look delicious?

What I can't believe is how quickly it came and went and how quickly time in general is passing, it's kind of scary to think so much time is slipping through our grasps, so my birthday resolution for my 19th year of life is to seize the moment and fill each day with as much as I can. Because I'll be in a cane and colorless before I know it.


  1. Haha! This was beautiful emily! You're turning into quite a blogger. :)

  2. that was a dinner of champions my friend!

  3. You haven't really lived till you spend the last wee hours of your birthday at walmart:)

    1. you sneeky little person you. and to think the whole time you were planning a surpise party.
