Sunday, April 29, 2012


Sunglasses, flipflops, crazy hair and bugbites. SUMMER. I don't know why but for some reason I am so excited about this summer. It's probably because I feel like a real person this year. You know,  a job, aka, money, and a car and freedom (since I am a big girl now, 19). I have freedom to do what I want when I want! And now I can do those things without the guilt of not doing school. ;) Well I don't plan on being lazy, that's for sure. Lord willing I am going to fill up my time with lots of crazy awesome stuff. My legs already look beat up and summer has barely begun. We'll see if I can even recognize them by the end. Who knew that jeans protected your legs so much? And flipflops? I might as well say goodbye to my toes as well. Goodbye Toes, Legs, and oh yes, Hair. I might just cut you (hair) all off since I know you will be a crazy mess thanks to our good friend Humidity. Anywaaaaays. Everyday I plan on playing my poor abandoned flute; bike, swim, take a walk or anything outside; READ everything and anything that comes my way, hopefully some good, helpful books will get thrown in there; and take the time to do stuff I have never done and develop interests I have! We'll see how it goes, I'll keep you updated. :D For now I can say I already am working on being able to read Bass clef, so that eventually I can play the piano. Let me tell you, switching from bass to treble with Leslie singing at the top of her lungs gave me a super headache, but I am determined. I also have a newfound love for biking. hopefully I'll keep it up. I love that going up each hill is so rewarding, what goes up must come down. Hopefully I'll be able to hit a couple farmers markets and stock up on tea, REAL tea. yum. Oh right, how could I forget? FOOD. I just know good food is in my summer future. Now that I have TIME to actually make it/ taste it. I hope to go one new place every week or try something new. Let's see how all these resolutions go. Hopefully I'll keep them and by God's grace have an amazing summer. I hope everyone and anyone who reads this tries to fill up their summer too. You have so much free time to do what YOU want to do! Why waste it sleeping all day? Well, sleeping all the time anyways, I am definitely sleeping in on monday. ;)

Oh and remember this awesome nephew of mine? Well My sister is having another one :) yep thats right, there's a party in her belly, and prayefully in nine months, he'll have an awesome brother or sister.

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