Sunday, September 14, 2014

I was only mostly dead

Hello. It's been exactly a year minus 7 days since I last posted. Shall we call it fate? Or perhaps sovereignty is a better term. Either way, seems significant enough to start up again. I know I should wait 7 days, make it an even year, then pretend like it's been exactly a year. I'm sure that would be more entertaining, but sorry, I'm not cool like that. I tried to be cool last year. I tried the whole "I'm gonna be cool without seeming like I want to be cool" thing. Not a hipster...basically just an uncool chick doing things I thought were cool, which ended up being nerdy most of the time, or cheesy. Cheesy, corny, whatever yellow food you want to call it, that's me.

So why start up again? Better yet, why did I stop in the first place? Honestly. Laziness. Sheer Laziness. I ate food without taking pictures, then when I did eat something exciting or go somewhere interesting what would I do about it? Go home and watch Youtube. Yep. I love all this honesty I'm starting out with, it can only go up hill from here right?

So, we begin again. I don't know if anyone will read this, I don't mind if they don't. I'm doing this mostly to keep myself accountable. Wait... Accountability? On what kind of food you eat? Well, no (also, when did I start having conversations with myself?). I'll still be sharing the amazing creation we call food, however I will also be sharing what I like to call "soul food." While most people like to think of soul food as grandma's incredibly unhealthy but delicious fried chicken, I mean actual soul food. The food the Bible brings us, the food we need to keep our spiritual lives and relationship with Christ alive.

I've been convicted lately of how our lives our meant to glorify God. And that's it ALL we were meant for. Now with that come all the wonderful things God has put on this earth for us to enjoy, yet if we aren't glorifying Him with all we think say and do, we're doing it wrong. So I hope to encourage myself and anyone else reading with good food for the soul and good food for the body, because we need both to live fully.

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