Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Under the Sea

Seafood and I have a strange relationship. I hate everything about it except the taste. I know, it's odd. The idea of fish grosses me out, but when I make myself eat it I enjoy it every time. The only time fish hasn't freaked me out was when I had it on the beach. The thing had its head still attached people…and yet it was so good. However, take me to the farmer’s market fish section and I may or may not throw up on you. Yes, I'm a weirdo.



When we go to the Dominican, all food is better. There's something about eating a perfectly chargrilled piece of fish on the beach that is just so totally right. There is something about getting fish from a container at Kroger that is so totally wrong to me. If you enjoy fish no matter where you are, more power to ya, I'm still working on it.

I got to thinking about seafood because I recently watched the Little Mermaid with a little girl I babysit. Now, The Little Mermaid is also something I have strange relationship with. I love everything about it except the main character...exactly. Ariel is one of the worst role models a girl could have. A disobedient, discontent, girl sells her soul for guy she saw...ONCE. Not exactly a pattern you want to be following. However, the music is amazing, her friends and family are really good characters, the evil witch is a great villain, even the "handsome prince" isn't so bad, he takes in a mute girl for goodness sakes. What impacted me this time around was what a beautiful picture of the gospel it is. Ariel gets caught up in the world, literally the world above, so she sells her soul to the devil thinking she can handle it. When her world inevitably crashes, it's time to pay for her sins. Unfortunately, her all powerful father can't break the contract because it is the real deal, legally binding, so what does he do? Takes her place, it's the only way to save her. 

Now that's where the analogy stops otherwise Trident would have risen from the dead and beat Ursula himself. They had to give Eric a chance to redeem himself.  Also I'd like to clarify that the contract isn't actually made by satan, it's made by God himself. He is so holy, He won't break the rules and allow sin to go unpunished. That's why someone had to die and be punished. Thankfully for us, Jesus came and DOESN'T need us to rescue him. He conquered death Himself and that's why it works. That's why he can be our real substitution. If you think about it, Ariel and everyone else really weren't freed when Trident took her place, because now Ursula would rule, and basically ruin everyone's life. Satan didn’t win, Jesus did.
Jesus isn't Trident, he's a thousand times better. Do you know Him?

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