Monday, September 15, 2014

pointless piece of chicken

Can we just start with the MOST important bit of soul food there is? The Gospel.

God, Holy Creator made Man. Man (yes, that's you and I), sinned, separating himself from God. Since God is holy, He must punish un-holiness (sin). God loved the world (the people in it) so much that he gave His only beloved Son Jesus, so that whoever believes in Him (acknowledge Him as creator, acknowledge and repent of your sins, keep faith in God) will not perish (go to hell where we are punished for our OWN sins because He is holy and can't by nature can't be with un-holiness) but have eternal life (live with God for all eternity). John 3:16 (a book in the Bible which I encourage you to read).

That is a VERY basic summary of the most important information you may ever read in your life...

Don't let it blow past you.

If are a believer and you've never read the gospel of John...what are you doing with your life? It's like going through life not knowing about avocados. It's so good. Okay, Honesty check... I'll admit I've never read it all the way through... Let's form a pact. Me, google blogger, and anyone who may be reading this, I'll start now (AGAIN) and actually finish this time, and we can read it together.

As I was trying to think of food to compare the Gospel to, I just kept coming back to salt and butter, really any spice that adds flavor to food. What is a piece of chicken without spices. I mean, does it even have any flavor? It's like flavorless chewing gum. Chicken is an empty palate for a chef to paint on. Those people without the gospel, without Christ in their lives are like chicken without any seasoning, pointless. Sure someone may chew you up, you may accomplish some little thing, but in the end you'll never be thought of again, eternally anyways. Worse than never being remembered, bad, tasteless chicken gets thrown away. It's not a perfect analogy, but the gospel is ten times more important than spices, it shows us our purpose on this Earth...

 (To glorify God and enjoy Him forever, in case you were wondering)

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