Saturday, April 27, 2013

study break

I love studying when no one is home. Usually, especially if mom is home, study breaks mean I have to do something else. like chores. When I am home alone, study breaks mean running around the house, dancing to loud music, and random baking. This time I was really in the mood for biscuits, (they are my second love, after avocados) but I also wanted something sweet. So I added sugar to my biscuit recipe and voila! It was fun trying to make them as quickly as possible and trying to distract myself while waiting for the eternal 15 minutes to pass to eat them. I barely measured anything, hoping and wishing that my rushed eyed measurements turned out well. Well I was not disappointed my dear friends. These slightly sweet biscuits were delicious. I've noticed that when ever I'm in the mood to bake something, I always make biscuits, maybe I should branch out...or not.

These pictures of Alexander are just because...


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