Wednesday, May 8, 2013


I've tried to explain this trip so many times and it never comes out quite right. The truth is, this trip left me speechless. Its taken me awhile to process it. There is just so much to tell that can't be said right. It was an experience I'll never forget. I'll do my best to tell the tale as best I can. 
 I'm part of a group at my college called Christian campus fellowship (ccf). Every year or so the take a group to Mexico to work with Casas por Cristo. It's a really cool organization that works with local pastors to provide houses for families in need that the pastors are already ministering to. They are literally the hands and feet of what these pastors tell their people every day.  
This year Leslie and I were able to go. The whole trip was about a week, but we only spent three days in Mexico. What did we do the other four? Drive. Yep, we drove to mexico. At first I was a little skeptical, especially because I didn't really know most of the group. But throw 11 people (9 students, two staff) in a 12 passenger van for 40 hours, and you get to be real close. Literally.  
I think that the road trip part was my favorite, but of course so was the actual build in Mexico. On the road we did everything from catchphrase, to random radio sing a longs...even chess. I learned a lot about those 10 other people on the way there, and on the way back it was even more fun, because now we knew each other and had jokes and stories to share.  
In Mexico we were able to build a house for a family in need. The mom had applied for the house about six months ago. She applied mainly because one of her sons had a brain tumor which prevented him from walking. It was hard for him to get around in the house they were living in. It was poorly built. I don't have a word for how sad it is...but the son died before we got there. He passed away on the day he was scheduled to have surgery to remove it. I can't even imagine what it was like for the mother when we came to build the house...too late. I don't know what God's plan is with them or His reasons for why that happened, But I sure am going to continue praying for that family.
I loved working with everyone, we really got to know each other. People always talk more when their hands are busy, and boy were we busy. We finished the house in two and a half days. Only by God's grace I tell ya.  
I could write five more paragraphs, explain every awesome  moment, but I won't. How about we sit down one day and get tea or coffee and I'll tell you about instead? In the mean time, I hope you are all gearing up for summer.  We gotta soak up every second of sunshine. Yes, its cliché to quote "Life is like a box a chocolates..." but I say Georgia weather is like a box a chocolates, grab the good ones while you can.

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