Monday, December 3, 2012

five minutes

So I've been inspired by this blog to do a five minute post. here goes.

Right now I'm standing in front of my computer which is connected to my stereo while playing my keith and kristyn getty station on pandora. I've been home a one all morning,and actually started the day right with my precious Lord and Savior. Something I realized this morning while reading matthew is that Jesus hardly ever stopped. He rose early and spoke/traveled/worked all day. He would still wake up even earlier to make sure He could spend quiet time with His Father. JESUS! He was God's Son and still took out time to spend with God. How much more do we need to do so? Well I'm praying He'll keep me faithful in spending time with Him. This getty station is one of the best I've heard. I don't think I've heard one song I don't. Today looks like it's going to be a good day. Especially if I keep taking time to savor the biggest flavor in my life. Jesus.Welp, I'm almost at five minutes, I suppose I should take some time to spell check. Have a great day!

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