Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Is 6 days too late to post about thanksgiving? Oh well, we should be thankful everyday anyways.

A little bit about our thanksgiving, because I know you are all dying to know what Dominicans do for an American Holiday. Well let me tell you, we spice it up.

First of all, the ONLY typical American food we consistently have is turkey, oh and we always have and pecan pie. I'm serious. However, we do have other different American foods depending on on who's coming or what was on sale that year. Stuffing, pumpkin pie, mashed potato, cranberry sauce, etc. have all had a place on our table some year or another. This year it was cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, incase you were curious. The rest of our beautifully delicious spread (which is number 2 on my list of things I'm thankful for by the way, Salvation is number one) is full of Dominican stuff. I'm talking pastelitos, pasteles en hoja, rice and beans, ham cooked with pineapple, tipil (which turns out is actually Arabian), and other random stuff. We also have other things that aren't "typical" anywhere, like I said, it depends on the people and the sales. This year the Malone's came over. their dad couldn't come, but to make up for it, he, Mr. Chef made......... GUACAMOLE!!!!!!!! You all know how near dear that is to my heart. Anyways the rest of the night was full of loud people, laughter, kids bumping into walls, explodingly full stomachs that we kept filling anyways, festering wounds being considered refreshing (long story, it involves apples to apples), sticky babies and much more that made me extremely thankful to God for the friends and family I have. Here's some snapshots. I'll try and comment as little as possible, promise.

p.s. Remember that last post I wrote? About the preparation for Thanksgiving? Well I took pictures of it all. I even managed to take pictures on Thursday night. But of course, when the actual EATING part came, I forgot all about my blog. As usual. Sorry.

We made these little guys for a Hispanic senior center. 

Pastelitos in the making 

  Julian's hand made these!

 This was on wednesday during some food prep, but nevertheless it was Julian's first real thanksgiving food.  turkey and mashed potatoes.

 That's right, we listen to hispanic music while setting up for an American holiday.

This is how you cook a thanksgiving meal without an oven. BAM. 
and may I just say, my mother has been successfully cooking without an oven for about 4 years now. 

 Based on above and below, that kid is going to have a lot of fun growing, though he may not appreciate it yet. or ever.

 My beautifully pregnant sister

 Dum tada dum! GUAC (Mr. Malone made the salsa too)

 And this my friends, are cooked pastelitos, and of course, we began eating at this moment, so my camera was long forgotten. Sorry you weren't able to view our extremely interesting game of Apples to Apples and my honey covered nephew.
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving. And don't forget, God blesses us so much through out our lifetime, we don't need to wait till thanksgiving to thank Him.

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