Monday, May 14, 2012

Racing at a slow pace

Hello? Anybody there? Thanks if you are. I haven't posted in two whopping weeks and I can't believe how much stuff I've done since then. Well it is summer I suppose, and that was my plan wasn't it? Well I've followed it so far, overwhelmingly so. Since I figure you guys don't want to hear a detailed account of every tiny moment, I'll just share some highlights and pictures. As you can guess, food is one of my passions, so it comes up a lot. Hopefully this won't get too long. Also nothing is in chroniogical order, which brings me to my first point. I FINALLY saw the avengers, it only took my two weeks to finally see it, it was great. I don;t have a favorite part, it was chock full of quotable moments. and it was quite cheesy but in a good way. Personally I love cheesy stuff, without it life would be plain crackers...(get it?). Um...anywhoo my mom surprised me by wanting to watch it on MOTHER's day at 9:55pm, that's right P.M. I suppose we're all full of surprises. Speaking of Moms, it wouldn't do me any good to not mention mine since yesterday was mother's day. Can I just say my mother is amazing? God gave me the best mother I could never even imagine to ask for. Her love for Christ and character towards us is so overwhelming. I just hope someday I can be a mother half as good as her. Unfortunately I'm not the best daughter and didn't do much for the day except clean, but I have things planned for this week. Who says we can only appreciate our mothers on mother's day? I'd say we do it whenever and wherever we can. Oh great, another resolution for the list. Well I need them or I'd never keep them...
 Well thinking clearly now I've decided to do separate posts since it will be waaaaaaay too much to read in one. Here's some random stuff from this summer with more to come.

See this amazingly cute little guy? yes, it's a bad picture, but its so cute. Well my sister is having another one! I'm hoping for twins but that probably won't happen. We'll find out on friday, she's having her first ultrasound then. I'll be SURE to let ya know.

Went bowling with Katie and Alyssa, I got a FOUL, yes, a foul, bowling. F for FAIL. I stepped over the line on accident.
Um, I don't know what that is? My ostrich face?

Speaking of faces, my friend Anna and I made up a long time ago a emoticon for the "cool face." You know, the sideways pursed lips. It was :V which is more like a duck but we used it anyway, last night she found this :Y. Much better don't you think? Well you should use it, it will make you a cooler texter. 

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