Thursday, May 24, 2012


Three posts in one night!? give me some butter cuz I'm on a roll...(that was for you Leslie, nice and cheesy).

There I was, wasting my time away on twitter and facebook...-- Sad, I know, right? However after a day of trapezing through the Serengeti, or rather, the Serenbe woods for three hours, I think I deserve some lounge time. More on that story later...-- and I saw this status "Earth without art is just 'eh'..." Isn't that the coolest thing ever? Well I have a lot of friends who accidentally take that saying to heart.One such friend is Naomi. She is always creating stuff and turning old stuff into new, more awesome stuff. For my birthday last year she made me the red piece on the right, for my birthday this year she drew me a picture of a bird which is so pretty. Then she randomly gave me the white piece on the left because she "knew I would appreciate it." She even has a scar still from making the red one. Not only is she artistic, but she thinks OUTSIDE the box. You may ask, aren't all artistic people "outside the box" thinkers? Not really. While most artists create things that are beautiful and breathtaking, it's the none "boxed in" people that truly do the extraordinary stuff. For example, great photographers have an eye for things that should be captured, and they have amazing cameras to do so. Some photographers can do it with simple cameras, that's impressive. Anyways, Naomi of course, doesn't have a normal camera, she has a Holga which leaks in light to give the pictures weird but cool light streaks, and it has to use film. I thought that was cool. Well I hope that phrase has inspired you to create art with whatever. Paint, pictures, music, food, etc. That way the non-artisans like me can enjoy it. hehe
 Those are the kinda combinations she normally wears. Something simple with something crazy. Like today she wore a simple white t tucked into checkered shorts.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog! =) It sounds like I need to get to know Naomi, huh?
