Thursday, May 24, 2012

knock knock... Who's there?

Sorry I haven't done the food post. It will come eventually. I can't WAIT until I get a smart phone, then I'll blog about food the second I finish eating it. So far my summer has been pretty awesome. Mostly enjoying the stuff God's made. :D This next month will be interesting now that all my friends in highschool will be out too. Speaking of which, I thought I was done with finals, apparently I'm not. We had my friend Anna stay at our house for about 5 days this past weekend, the week before finals. Anna is just like my sister Leslie, procrastinator and easily distracted. So that's pretty much all they did. Fun right? :P Well I suppose the weekend had its moments, like wrestling over a phone and too much coffee. Anyways I've been thinking a lot about how people always want to go OUT to hang out. That's pretty much what I've been doing, and now I am super poor. Why can't people just go to each other's houses? I know that for the one whose house we are at may not have AS much fun, but they still will. Personally, I think they should get over it. IT's not like the group will ALWAYS be at your house, at least if everyone else pitches in too. Having everyone come to your house one night instead of going and spending twenty dollars, eating, drinking starbucks, going bowling, the movies, or the like, will be just as fun and sometimes even more fun. People are usually more comfortable inside a good friend's house than out in public anyways. While going out and doing all those things is fun, it gets OLD and expensive. So next time you want to hang out and are either broke or can't think of where to go, man up, tidy up the living room and invite everyone over! It'll be fun. Things that always end up being done at my house are random dancing, popcorn adventures, coffee disasters, drink spillage, movie out of nowhere  and youtube video watching, pool(the game, not swimming) beasting, crazy picture taking and walking expeditions, even in the dark or rain. I know that I usually have had the most fun in someone's house, and usually it's because everyone relaxes a little bit more than usual. Bring back the age of "calling" on people and sit down and have a cup of coffee or tea that YOU made, or raid the fridge of all the food YOUR parents made. Switch it up a bit and you might be pleasantly surprised. Here are adventures I've had at other people's houses :)

This one was taken in the dominican republic. down there it is super common for people to have "hang outs" in their houses, there is always someone's house to go to after church or events. I believe this is one of the main reasons that the Dominican people are so close and friendly. Once you've been in someone's house, you know them a lot better.

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