Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Memorial Day

No, I'm not confused about the holidays, I am aware that tomorrow is July 4th. This post is just a little over a month late... can I just say that June was the craziest month of my life?

So, memorial day, think back to May....

"I was deprived as a child." that was my excuse over and over while celebrating memorial with my southern family. Usually my family doesn't do anything for memorial day so how could we say no when  my sista from another mista invites us to hang with her fam for memorial day. I don't really know what I was expecting, but boy was I pleasantly surprised when I found out it was a full out cook out complete with corn hole,  homemade ice cream and sweet potato fries.   It was so much fun. I found out there is so much to southern life that I have been missing out on. For example, corn hole, shrimp wrapped in bacon and covered with pepper jack cheese, and the fact that mango is not only a delicious fruit but also a reminder of Christmas. Anna's bro in law told us that mangoes tasted like the smell of Christmas trees to him, and of course that's all I tasted after that :\. Hopefully he didn’t ruin the taste of mangoes forever for me.    The whole night was a blast, even when we stayed a whole two hours afterwards to clean. During that time we got to discuss the art of drinking straight vodka with anna's musical grandpa who apparently is a pro... At drinking vodka. ;) I was reminded that day of why I love the southern part of me so much. Actually, Southerners and Dominicans are a lot alike, they are social, loud, love to eat, love to gather, love to eat to gather, and stay all day...and many other similarities. In reality, people in general are alike.  Where, who, when we get together, and what and how we eat does differs greatly, but when we get right down to it, we all love to gather and feed each other. There is just something inviting and pleasant about sharing a meal. I've always told people I enjoy sharing food because I then I'll have someone who is enjoying it with me. Maybe we all are that way. We love sharing in each other's joy. 

Sangria :D (No, I didn't drink it straight, I mixed a tiny bit with lemonade. it was SO good.)

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