Thursday, March 28, 2013


Yesterday, one of my close friends turned 20. We've known each other 8ish years and honestly, I can't remember most of it. Not because of her, but because In have a terrible memory. Ask my sister. I do remember having good talks and good times. We've gotten closer as we've gotten older. Our conversations changed from what Disney movie just came out to what we're gonna do with our lives. It really struck me that we've grown up. Or are in the process of it anyways.

 I'm turning 20 in about two weeks. I've been on this earth two decades and yet I feel so young. I feel like I'm not ready to be a big girl. To stop procrastinating, to start taking the initiative, to stop leaving my room a mess, to stop borrowing money from my sister, to stop watching tv all day, to possibly becoming a wife soon, to possibly becoming a mother eventually, to possibly move countries and teach children in poor areas. And the list goes on and on. A list of responsibilities and choices I dont feel ready to make. But I've always hated the phrase "I feel like.." because our feelings are so fickle. So let me use my mind instead. I know I'm not completely ready to live like an adult, but I KNOW that God will guide me. So while my heart and mind may not be ready, my God is and I can CONFIDENTLY shed my teenager skin and become the young woman He wants me to be. I've just got two weeks to let that sink in.

Wish me luck, or better yet, Pray for me.

Happy Birthday Sydney. Hope the next twenty years of your life are blessed beyond your imagination. I'll be praying for you too. Love you. 

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