Thursday, March 28, 2013


Yesterday, one of my close friends turned 20. We've known each other 8ish years and honestly, I can't remember most of it. Not because of her, but because In have a terrible memory. Ask my sister. I do remember having good talks and good times. We've gotten closer as we've gotten older. Our conversations changed from what Disney movie just came out to what we're gonna do with our lives. It really struck me that we've grown up. Or are in the process of it anyways.

 I'm turning 20 in about two weeks. I've been on this earth two decades and yet I feel so young. I feel like I'm not ready to be a big girl. To stop procrastinating, to start taking the initiative, to stop leaving my room a mess, to stop borrowing money from my sister, to stop watching tv all day, to possibly becoming a wife soon, to possibly becoming a mother eventually, to possibly move countries and teach children in poor areas. And the list goes on and on. A list of responsibilities and choices I dont feel ready to make. But I've always hated the phrase "I feel like.." because our feelings are so fickle. So let me use my mind instead. I know I'm not completely ready to live like an adult, but I KNOW that God will guide me. So while my heart and mind may not be ready, my God is and I can CONFIDENTLY shed my teenager skin and become the young woman He wants me to be. I've just got two weeks to let that sink in.

Wish me luck, or better yet, Pray for me.

Happy Birthday Sydney. Hope the next twenty years of your life are blessed beyond your imagination. I'll be praying for you too. Love you. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Something that I have always known is fun, but almost never done, is go out with friends OUTSIDE.

Serenbe is one of those great places where there is a lot to see without necessarily spending money. And if you get tired of window shopping, you can get lost on a four hour hike on an endless trail! (Yes, that actually happened to me) That's always fun. Right..?
Regardless of how LONG you go, the trails at Serenbe are BEAUTIFUL whether you go in the spring, summer, or fall. Though I think fall is my favorite.

Ever heard of Geocaching? I hadn't until recently. Even spell checker recognizes it. Apparently it's extremely popular and you can find it all over. It's like an ongoing worldwide scavenger hunt. A couple days ago I went with some friends. We were all broke but really wanted to do something. The lovely Alyssa suggested walking around the lake in PTC. Then I remembered hearing about geo caching, and found the app on my phone. Next thing we know, we are trampling all over a hill among the trees and thorns looking for a "coffee can sized container." We never did find that coffee can. We did find the next one, a little camo covered pill bottle (seriously, a camo pill bottle? some people). We did mange to find that one, after passing it about five times. :D It had a list inside with all the names of the people who had found it. pretty cool. It has become my new addiction. While I don't usually have time to go looking for them, I sometimes stop and see if there are any around. Surprisingly there everywhere! So if you are ever bored, grab your smart phone, gps, or you can even print off the directions at home, and go find a random container with random stuff in it. what could possibly go wrong?  


I like a somewhat wise person said "a dead end sign really just means 'awesome forest ahead'" Go check out that forest. you might find something good you weren't expecting.


Monday, March 18, 2013


Believe it or not, I DO do things. Though my blog may not show for it. I'm going to try and post more. maybe I'll inspire you to go places. HA. this is really more for my own amusement. :)
Going out with Leslie is the most natural thing in the world. When I first started having a car and money I thought it would be weird. I don't know why, maybe because I wasn't used to it. But we just continue our lives. We have the same conversations we would have at home, the only difference is the location. 
 for about two years that I can remember, our group from church has been going out after church on Wednesday nights. Its usually always fun. It depends on who goes. But no matter where we go, our usual place or somewhere new, with the right people, its always a blast. Which I've seen goes to show that its the people, not the place, that makes an outing fun.   
One morning I woke up at six am, not to go to work, not because I had too, call me crazy, it was because I wanted to. It was to go have coffee with Lauren. Woke up before dawn and got to the coffee shop when the sun was still peeking over the edge. But despite the ridiculousness of the early morning. Its always worth it. Making an effort to have a cup of coffee with someone is always worth it. And its not the coffee that's worth it, like I said earlier. It's the person. And Lauren is pretty awesome.