Thursday, January 31, 2013


The most exciting times, the most flavorful moments. The ones that make you say "fantatastic" and "brilliant" (oh wait, that's the Doctor...), they will almost never be captured on camera by me. I'm too busy enjoying and living in the moment. So sorry. You'll just have to take my word for it. I used to be consumed by taking pictures so I could "capture it all." I ended up missing most of it and yet had 500 plus pictures. Not good. So while anyone who reads my blog may think, man she has a boring life, I am happy to say that I don't. I just don't write every little thing down... which unfortunately leaves me with the not so interesting stuff to write about... Oh, well nevermind that... When you are enjoying a flavor of life, whether it be a food, a place, a person or thing,  or any moment really, don't get caught up it what you have to show for it later, what you are going to tell people about it. Just live in it, and if you just so happen to snag a few pictures, or steal someone else's, yay, if not. your brain will remember it just fine. For example, tonight I went rollerskating. It was incredibly fun. However, instead of taking ten paragraphs to describe the night that would never do it justice anyways, I'll just tell you to go too. It's worth all the screaming children. especially those last 15 minutes before close.
empty rink = pure freedom. 
p.s. It helps to have friends who love to take pictures, friends who enjoy the moment more by taking pictures. Also search engines. They all usually have great stuff to steal.  Thank you bing, google, facebook and twitter. and Anna thompson.

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