Monday, February 11, 2013


In a word,  Passion 2013 was.....intense.

  •  singing "In Christ Alone" with 65,000 people.
  •  Francis Chan's sermon was my favorite. John Piper's was a close second.
  • standing in line hoping it was the line you needed to be in.
  • finding a dollar going up the escalator, though I didn't actually find it, it was GraceAnna, but still awesome.
  • sleeping in the middle of the hallway with thousands of other people.
  • Watching "poor" college students raise 3 Million dollars for slaves in 3 and a half days.
  • Seeing the lives of people change around me.
  • Hearing testimonies of freed slaves who have not only found physical freedom, but spiritual freedom.
  • Witnessing God work through all kinds of means.
  • Being extremely hyper without having caffeine in my system, in other words, running off pure delirium.
  • Laughing hysterically at 1am for no reason.
  • Trying to find future husbands. (we all know that's why we go to conferences like these... JUST KIDDING)
  • Finding out that nine random people can become a family in 4 days.
  • Finding out that despite extreme tiredness and crankiness we could all still love each other at the end (and beginning) of each day.
  • Crying tears of joy at the amazing work Christ has done in my life and in others.
  • Witnessing truly amazing things. Awe-inspiring things.
  • 3,000 people in a community group cheering when someone told their family group they accepted Christ as their Lord an savior. EVERYTIME
There was soooo much more I could tell you about, but the one biggest take away was that God can do immeasurably more than we can imagine. Despite the wickedness of this world, despite false preachers and all the other "fakers" that were present at this conference, the true gospel got out to thousands, and maybe even hundreds of thousands through this conference. And lives WERE changed, lives WERE given to Christ, people WERE convicted, people DID repent. Everyone DID see the amazingness of God's love for us. I know I did.



  1. Hey you should put that video! The "things people say at passion"

  2. Amen. And yes, it was everything you said it was. Awesome pictures too! :)
    (Singing In Christ Alone was one of my favorite moments too!)
