Thursday, August 9, 2012


I know, i still haven't posted any pictures, sorry I've been busy being not so busy. 

So, I used to, well still do actually, get upset that I'm growing up so quickly, that hours, days, months, years are just flying by and I can't seem to grab a hold of them. At one point I thought I was the only one who felt this way, it seemed that everyone else was eager to run onto the moving sidewalk while I just wanted to go, I wanted to stand still. 
     Well turns out part of maturing is looking less at yourself and more at others. It's paying attention when others rant and it's trying to help, or at least sympathize with them. When I stopped to listen to the people around me I realized I'm not the only one worried about the moving sidewalk, not the only one surprised at how quickly it's actually going, not the only one who wants it to all stop, but also, not the only one who is slowly realizing that there are exciting things on and after that moving sidewalk. I'm not the only one who is both scared and excited. Yes excited.
      Another part of maturing unfortunately, is facing facts and accepting them. I'm accepting the fact that it's happening and now I'm kinda looking forward to what's coming. AND that there are others who are too, AND that it's actually fun sometimes, not always depressing, to talk about it. It's so amazing how much a person can learn in a year, in 6 months, in three weeks.
      I feel like, even though time seems to be moving faster, God is making my brain and heart bigger so I can take it all in. Like I heard it explained once, when a couple has kids, their love isn't divided, their hearts just swell bigger so they can hold more love. Maybe our capacity to understand, to accept, and as one girl says, to care, gets bigger as time goes on. How can we think about so much now that supposedly didn't exist when we were five, though in reality was there all along. I think God wired us to learn, and it doesn't just apply to math. We learn to love, we learn to laugh at ourselves, we learn to move on, we learn to accept, we learn to endure, we learn to grow.

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