Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All in favor say "aye"

Crastination - "of tomorrow"
Pro- "in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc"
(thank you

Procastination - "in favor of tomorrow"
 All in favor say "aye"

Today I re-learned a lesson that I think will finally stick. Hopefully. The lesson is to not be "in favor of tomorrow." Well my health class assigned a little online scavenger hunt which was super easy, just a little tedious. I finished almost all of it on the day it was assigned, leaving just five questions because I got bored. FIVE. That's it.I was "in favor of doing them tomorrow". Tomorrow became "today" (actually it was yesterday, um.... confused yet?). Instead of doing the FIVE, yes, just five questions, I thought I would take a break while "eating lunch" and watch a new show I like. In my mind it made perfect sense, I was going to eat lunch anyways right? Well a 40 min lunch break turned into a 100 minute (I watched 2 and a half) marathon. Next thing I know, "today's" homework time has passed. I have to go to work. I'll just do it when I get off at 8 right? Well turns out I had to work till 10:30. My "later time" of 3ish hours of homework, turned into 1ish hour of homework. I get home at 10:45, determined to finish those FIVE darn questions, because after all, it is now later. I get on my computer only to find that my University's website isn't working. WHAT!? It didn't work this morning either. I ended up googling the answers, which took twice as long. So I rush to class hoping that my teacher will let me print it or I can explain some way, getting hot and sweaty in the process. Well it turns out she couldn't get on either, so she extended the deadline. THANKFULLY. So it was a happy ending, but it almost wasn't. What if she hadn't been so nice? I would have had a BIG FAT ZERO. God blesses us in the little things even when we don't deserve it.

So, lesson learned. Do not be "in favor of tomorrow." If I had just done the FIVE stinking problems when I started, I would have had a pleasant and stress free, run free morning. Goodness Gracious.
All in favor say "aye"?  

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