Wednesday, August 29, 2012

All in favor say "aye"

Crastination - "of tomorrow"
Pro- "in favor of a proposition, opinion, etc"
(thank you

Procastination - "in favor of tomorrow"
 All in favor say "aye"

Today I re-learned a lesson that I think will finally stick. Hopefully. The lesson is to not be "in favor of tomorrow." Well my health class assigned a little online scavenger hunt which was super easy, just a little tedious. I finished almost all of it on the day it was assigned, leaving just five questions because I got bored. FIVE. That's it.I was "in favor of doing them tomorrow". Tomorrow became "today" (actually it was yesterday, um.... confused yet?). Instead of doing the FIVE, yes, just five questions, I thought I would take a break while "eating lunch" and watch a new show I like. In my mind it made perfect sense, I was going to eat lunch anyways right? Well a 40 min lunch break turned into a 100 minute (I watched 2 and a half) marathon. Next thing I know, "today's" homework time has passed. I have to go to work. I'll just do it when I get off at 8 right? Well turns out I had to work till 10:30. My "later time" of 3ish hours of homework, turned into 1ish hour of homework. I get home at 10:45, determined to finish those FIVE darn questions, because after all, it is now later. I get on my computer only to find that my University's website isn't working. WHAT!? It didn't work this morning either. I ended up googling the answers, which took twice as long. So I rush to class hoping that my teacher will let me print it or I can explain some way, getting hot and sweaty in the process. Well it turns out she couldn't get on either, so she extended the deadline. THANKFULLY. So it was a happy ending, but it almost wasn't. What if she hadn't been so nice? I would have had a BIG FAT ZERO. God blesses us in the little things even when we don't deserve it.

So, lesson learned. Do not be "in favor of tomorrow." If I had just done the FIVE stinking problems when I started, I would have had a pleasant and stress free, run free morning. Goodness Gracious.
All in favor say "aye"?  

Monday, August 20, 2012

First Days

Well today is my first day of sophomore year at UWG. And right now for lunch, I'm eating PB&J. That's right. This college student is eating a childhood classic. I don't think it will ever get old. So this morning it turns out I registered for the wrong class even though I was sitting in the right one. After I had a chat with the wrong teacher, my adviser, and the right teacher, I am hopefully on my way to getting in the right one. Then I couldn't log in to the new wi-fi at school and I also left my lunchbox in the car. What a morning. Well at least in the process, my the new right teacher already knows me, I got to know a Bahamian library teacher and got to try a free lime refresher from the library Starbucks on my way to the car. That plus my PB&J and strawberry lemonade is making for a pretty good day. Two classes left, hopefully it will stay that way. Anyone else have interesting first days at school?

Monday, August 13, 2012

its a flavorful world


So, I've decided to do two posts, one about the flavors of the Dominican, and one about the trip. Because one about both would take too long. This past July 17 people (including mi familia) went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip. I'll tell you about the actual trip later but here's some flavorful highlights.

This my friends, this is a Malta Morena. It's pretty much un-fermented beer. It's really sweet, tastes kind of like molasses, but has no alcohol. It's really good in a bitter kind of way, it's not for the week of heart. That's for sure. I love it. It's actually a pretty good representation of some of the culture. A lot of Dominicans are very prideful of being Dominican, but also very show offy. Malta Morena is know as "children's beer," in other words its really strong, (but noon alcoholic) so someone who drinks it like nothing is considered strong. (or old, because the old folks are used to it). I have to drink it in small sips its so strong, guys will have competitions seeing who can chug one first. Competition is big down there.

This is a PASSION FRUIT POPSICLE, that's right, PASSION FRUIT. It was soooooooooo amazing.
For those of you have never had a passion fruit, its quite the delicious oddity. It's usually almost perfectly round, like an orange, but when you open it, it's full of little seeds covered in pulp (the fruit part). Honestly they look like frog eggs. It's EXTREMELY sour, but for some reason, when you add just a pinch of sugar, it's the most delicious and rich fruit you will ever taste. It's like the sourness disappears, leaving a tangy sweetness in its place. In the Dominican, passion fruit is a super popular juice and flavor for things like popsicles and candy. It's so odd, but so delicious once you get to know it. Sounds like we could learn a lesson, let's see.....Ah yes, don't judge a fruit by it's weirdness.

While we were there we did a VBS for kids in a poor area. The poverty there was not as bad as in some places, but most of children had never had simple things like their own school supplies. However because of the culture, and especially in the area we were in, the poeple always try and look heir best despite the lack of resources, especially when americanos come over. So of course each girl had her hair done and each boy had his best shoes on. And if I may so so, they had GREAT taste in shoes. See those converse? Yes, most likely... 99% likely... they are off brand, but still, I thought that was pretty awesome.

While working, we stayed at a center It was a boarding school. My grandmother (who is 70 something) went there as a child and she said there was a big tree. This is that same tree, only now its gigantic and over 70 years old. One thing I love about dominicans, is that they really have an appreciation for beauty and nature, at least out in the country they do (the city is full of business people). So the boarding school expanded around the tree. It's something they want to preserve, something that represents the stability of the school.

I'm sure you've all heard of orange soda, grape soda, strawberry, lime etc. all the usual ones. And sure jolly rancher will come out with the candy flavored sodas, but those are just a candy trying to sell more product. This is red rock, a brand of soda that sells two very special sodas. One called merengue and one that's green apple. Yes, green apple. A common flavor there apparently. And super delicious. I wish I had take a picture of Merengue. It was by far the best. It was like a peach orange color but the flavor was something unique. It had a hint of pineapple I believe, but I'll never know for sure. Merengue is originally a dance specific to the dominican republic, very fun, with a lot of variety, yet all known as merengue. I think it's a good name for the soda. It could be described as 100's of things, but simply, it's just merengue. You'll have to try for yourself to really understand.

Two dominicans just enjoying their usual jar of baby food. Wait, WHAT? That's what I thought. They bought a bunch of jars of fruit flavored baby food and ate them one night. It was odd, but hey, whatever floats your boat. 

Our group, americanos and domincanos, eating and living it up. The food at the center was sooooooo good. One night I said that it was so good I was going to cry. Unfortunaltey I forgot about my blog. sorry, so no specific food pictures.At the center they also served us coffee and tea in the morning. The tea they made us was unlike any tea I've ever had. It was all natural. You may be thinking, aren't all teas natural Emily? Why, yes, yes they are. What I mean is that it wasn't from tea bags. They got a bunch of different roots and leaves that were typical to the area, boiled them together and BAM. One of the best teas I've ever tasted. Each morning I drank 2 to 3 cups. I think that's one of the things I miss the most from that place.

 Like I was saying before, there was natural beauty everywhere.

This is Yaroa, it was kind of like, well kind of like nothing you've ever had. It might remind you of hamburger, if you're dominican, it might remind you of pastelon de platano. But to the people of santiago, it's simply Yaroa. A man that lives in Santiago made it up and it's extremely popular there now, but only in the city of Santiago. It was so good. It was fun to see how creative people can be and how proud they can be of their city, culture and people.
At the hotel we went to the last two days of the trip with the youth group, they had a "fruit punch" which I am very sad to say was more like syrup punch. So to fix it up I squeezed a passion fruit and dumped all the pulp covered seeds in there. It was quite good but the seeds kept going up the straw.

After the youth group left, my family went to meet with my aunt, her daughter, and her 2 nieces and 1 very awesome nephew, (from her husbands side, my uncle, so I don't know if they are technically related to us or not, but it doesn't matter, they are so awesome, I call em' all cousins anyways). And that hotel was much better, well really only in the food department. Anyways, they had tea in our rooms. That's right, not just coffee, TEA. The hotel and I were off to a great start.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


I know, i still haven't posted any pictures, sorry I've been busy being not so busy. 

So, I used to, well still do actually, get upset that I'm growing up so quickly, that hours, days, months, years are just flying by and I can't seem to grab a hold of them. At one point I thought I was the only one who felt this way, it seemed that everyone else was eager to run onto the moving sidewalk while I just wanted to go, I wanted to stand still. 
     Well turns out part of maturing is looking less at yourself and more at others. It's paying attention when others rant and it's trying to help, or at least sympathize with them. When I stopped to listen to the people around me I realized I'm not the only one worried about the moving sidewalk, not the only one surprised at how quickly it's actually going, not the only one who wants it to all stop, but also, not the only one who is slowly realizing that there are exciting things on and after that moving sidewalk. I'm not the only one who is both scared and excited. Yes excited.
      Another part of maturing unfortunately, is facing facts and accepting them. I'm accepting the fact that it's happening and now I'm kinda looking forward to what's coming. AND that there are others who are too, AND that it's actually fun sometimes, not always depressing, to talk about it. It's so amazing how much a person can learn in a year, in 6 months, in three weeks.
      I feel like, even though time seems to be moving faster, God is making my brain and heart bigger so I can take it all in. Like I heard it explained once, when a couple has kids, their love isn't divided, their hearts just swell bigger so they can hold more love. Maybe our capacity to understand, to accept, and as one girl says, to care, gets bigger as time goes on. How can we think about so much now that supposedly didn't exist when we were five, though in reality was there all along. I think God wired us to learn, and it doesn't just apply to math. We learn to love, we learn to laugh at ourselves, we learn to move on, we learn to accept, we learn to endure, we learn to grow.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

cough cough

Excuse me while I dust off my blog and brain. I've been out of the country for a bit on a mission/leisure trip (I'll explain that later) and now that I'm back I seem to be stuck in "lazy mode." Soon I will have some words and pictures for you, but for now I'm going to continue basking in my laziness.