Thursday, March 22, 2012

Adventures in Florida

Well this is my first real post, and honestly I am not sure what to say. first of all, I am not in my hometown, in Georgia. I am in FLORIDA! pretty much my second hometown with my second parents, my aunt and uncle. So life at the moment is taking a pleasant pause. But let me tell ya, it's a wonderful flavorful pause. The weather is AMAZING, and best thing, no pollen! Ugh, my car back home is probably buried by now. Well, so far the trip has been great, God's been so good to let it all work out perfectly. One thing I did was start this blog...! hopefully I'll keep it up, it would have never happened with out my two good friends Sydney and Katie. (let me just say my other friend Anna has been wanting me to do this FOREVER, and if I don't mention her as the originator for my want to do a blog, she will be pretty mad. so there you go Anna). We went to one of the biggest malls in the U.S., Sawgrass Mall, man, we didn't even see half of it. My aunt is pretty much the B-O-M-B bomb. I had the most amazing drink at starbucks. Green Tea Frappucchino, it was so good, it was green! It tasted like sweet cream smoothie with a hint of earth. mmmmmm. Also we went to Ruby Tuesdays and I had the most colorful salad ever, not to mention delicious. All these awesome foods are what inspired me to finally do this blog (plus syd and and katie). Not to mention how beautiful it was outside. We went to downtown Ft. Lauderdale and it was gorgeous. Let me just say it was on the coast.
Green Tea Frappucchino
Us at the mall with my cousin Priscilla.
    Seeing all the colors and beauty of little city on the beach reminded me how colorful God made life to enjoy. It gave me a taste of heaven. Speaking of which, I am reading Heaven by Randy Alcorn. It is so exciting! I am barely into it but already I can't wait. I used to think that people were so weird to say that. I mean hello, going to heaven means leaving earth. The End. Um, that's a little scary if you ask me. I used to think, I am not ready, I have so much I want to do with my life! But as I was reading I realized that Heaven is not the end. It's the beginning. A beginning for those who are In Christ. I will have so much time to do everything I want without the imperfections. Not to mention, JESUS is going to be there. :) anyways, seeing all the beauty reminded me of that....

Naples Beach
            Speaking of beauty We went to the BEACH... NAPLES!!!! it was sooooo beautiful. The water was freezing, but the sun was hot, so it was deliciously pleasant. It was really windy so our umbrella kept blowing away but it was okay, all part of the adventure. That night Sydney, Katie and I went out to eat at a super nice restaurant called Brio and I ate the MOST AMAZING food ever. It was called Sausage Florentine Bruschetta. I can't even describe it. But I can say that it was perfect, the sourdough bread, salty cheese, sweet peppers, not to mention a whole other symphony of flavors, were perfect. I also had cheesecake from the CHEESECAKE FACTORY. Enough said. And the weather was perfect and the area was so pretty. It was amazing. Today is our last full day and we are going to West Palm Beach. We are going to hang out with my aunt the whole day. Did I mention my Aunt and Uncle are from the Dominican Republic like my parents? needless to say it has been a lot of fun. My Aunt is very much a "party person" in the Dominican sense. It something you either got or don't, and she does. So does Sydney, I think Katie is working on it ;) Well, I hope you enjoyed the pictures. Hopefully they will help you feel even the tiniest bit of the amazing week we are having.

This was outside of some apartments we saw. We did think about parking there...but after seeing THAT we didn't. :)

There it is. Sausage Florentine Bruschetta


  1. Hey!!! I am a "party person"!!! Maybe....sometimes... ;)

    AND you forgot to mention the BEAUTIFUL LOST BOY!!! Goodness gracious....that was the best part of the night if you ask me. ;)

  2. Also, you misspelled "frappuccino"....even AFTER I told you how to spell it...
