Thursday, August 1, 2013

Little Earth

Now, I know what you might be thinking, but this isn't a post on how "it's a small world after all" nor am I belittling the hugeness of the earth. You know how when you go to New York you find yourself in "Little Italy" or "China Town" or "Dominican York" and so on. Well the other day, I found a "Little Earth." That's right. In our very own state of Georgia. It's actually called "Your Dekalb Farmer's Market, A World Market." I'm telling you, you step in there and you feel like you've been transported, but you don't know exactly where. They have EVERYTHING from EVERYWHERE. I went with my older sister and her two kids so I couldn't really get a look at everything, but I'm determined to go back, armed with plenty of money and a camera. And I'll put a better post about it. If you've never been, It's worth the trip. I could post everything I saw but it would take forever and it wouldn't be the same, it's something you have to experience first hand.

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