Monday, August 5, 2013


I never blog because I never have any pictures. WELL. I'm sorry I'm too busy enjoying the times and the food to remember to photograph everything. Ergo, the Googled picture. Because no one likes to read a blog without pictures.

                                    I got this here

Yesterday we had family over for lunch... Just the family that lives within 30 miles. Oh wait, that's most of my mom's family... Why do we all live so close to each other in the first place?
 I ask myself that every birthday.
We had FOUR generations in the house that day. Kinda cool in retrospect, not so cool when you are trying to find a place to sit.
Anyways... I discovered something. Barbecued meat tastes AMAZING. And I'm not talking meat that has been cooked and smothered in BBQ sauce. I'm talking meat cooked on a grill, outside, over hot coals. Back in the day we used to grill out a lot, but I never appreciated it. This time, I noticed. How can it have taken this long for me to realize? Oh right, we haven't had a cookout in ages.
My real question was, why? Why does meat on the grill taste so different, so much better, than meat cooked inside? Well, good thing my Uncle was there. Dad isn't a wuss, but grilling out isn't his thing. My uncle on the other hand, is a grilling master. My aunt gave him an apron that says so, so it must be true. Anyways, he told me that when you cook meat on the grill, it sears in the flavor, plus the coal adds that "cook out" flavor we all know and love.
Well there you have it. I have found another food love. And one more thing. Can I just say, "Shish Kabob" is so much fun to say.

1 comment:

  1. It's the smoke! I'm sure of it. XD I love smelling liquid smoke, just because it reminds me of BBQ's...and you're right; I haven't been to a cook-out in forever.
