Monday, June 18, 2012

turn that frown upside down!

Yes, I just used that expression, sue me. 

I just thought I'd throw that in there for free. I found it on facebook....

If there are three things that make me happy, they are 1. The Gospel, 2. Music, specifically Men singing a Capella, and 3. Tea. Sure there are a million and three more, but those are definitely at the top. Let's start with the first.

1. The Gospel! I'm just gonna give it to ya straight. First of all God IS....Second of all, God is HOLY, aka perfect, without fault, set apart. He created us out of LOVE. We are SINNERS, aka not-perfect, full of faults, wordly. God tells us not to sin, we do it anyways. Since we sinned we can't get to God or heaven. EVER. Not by ourselves anyways. So what did God do? He knew this was gonna happen. He sent his son, JESUS. Why? Because he LOVES us. He sent his HOLY son, JESUS (I already explained holy) to DIE on the cross, a horrible death, in OUR PLACE. So that we wouldn't have to be punished for our sin. God sent his wrath on Jesus. The price had to be payed, why? Remember, God is HOLY, meaning he is JUST, and sin must be punished. If we were to have our punishment, we would die. THE END...........
 GOOD News Flash. He didn't. He punished Jesus instead, here's the best part, HE DIDNT STAY DEAD! Jesus defeated death, rose back from the grave and went back home to heaven, where he is preparing a place for us. Did you read that? A place FOR US! in HEAVEN! Where we will get to be with God FOREVER. Now if that amazing story doesn't make you want to leap for joy...I'll pray for you. :D

By GRACE we have been SAVED

2. MUSIC! specifically men singing A Capella. aka A Capella boy bands (thats for you a.) So I was on Pandora the other day listening to my Ingrid Michaelson/Jack Johnson station, just chillin along, when Straight No Chaser came on, an A Capella band of all men. It was an "I'm yours/Over the Rainbow" mash. I wanted to dance, cry, leap for joy, marry them, anything, all at once. It was so beautiful. Here's my favorite so far.


Wasn't that beautiful? Look them up, they do a bunch of great songs

3. Tea. when I say Tea, I'm thinking, "steaming hot cup of," not "southern sweet." For some reason there is nothing else that I enjoy as much as a good cup of tea. Ice cream is a close second. I could go on for ever but I don't want to bore you to tears. Let's just say that I'm always in the mood for tea. The reason being there are SO MANY different kinds. If I want to relax, I drink an herbal, like peppermint or chamomile. If I want a little jolt to get me moving, lemon ginger or chai, If I ate a ton of pizza and want to feel better about myself, I drink some green tea. That isn't the best part though, the best part is all the different combinations of tea.

These are teas that I bought at the Renaissance Festival. The one on the left is called Renaissance tea and the one on the right is called Tudors tea. Both use totally different herbs, from peppermint to anise (the stuff they put in pumpernickel bread!) But they are both crazy good.

Now that I consider myself a real tea drinker, I want to start making my own blends and seeig how they turn out. whatever the case, no matter what kind, hot or iced (but not super sweet), tea makes me happy, or happier at least.

If you don't have something that keeps you going when times are hard, or life is just plain boring/depressing, I suggest you find it. When I read my Bible, drink some tea, or listen to music, my life suddenly seems a lot better than I thought. :)


  1. The Gospel and a cup of hot tea are two of the best things in creation. =)

  2. Wow! You just made me like tea. A lot.

  3. You nailed all three things! The Gospel really does make me want to leap for joy! It's truly amazing!
    I'm with you on the tea...."southern sweet"...I can't stand it...but a hot tea with cream and's simply wonderful.

  4. A-capella and harmony is a favorite of mine.....

    You should check out Cimorelli....I don't know about all of their music, but most of the songs I've heard them cover are pretty good. It's a group of 6 sisters of an 11-kid homeschooled family...don't think they're Christians, though. But they are quite talented!

    Here's 2 links to their songs....if you want to check them out. :P (their original song) ( a cover of Adele's song)

    And they do more good ones. :P Although they don't do any good Christian songs. :(

  5. This is beautiful Emily!! Had you never heard of Straight No Chaser before??? They're pretty rockin' awesome. ;)

    All of this talk of tea makes me think of Uncle Iroh...

    Also, that picture about Peter Pan made me laugh. :D

  6. i like your use of paragraphs my friend.

    1. I DID IT JUST FOR YOU (and les.....) MY FRIEND! :)
