Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I have a really awesome friend. Her name is katie and this is her blog. http://www.katethegreattakesthebait.blogspot.com/.
About two weeks or so ago she started this 10,00 reasons to praise God movement which I think is really cool. I'm not going to go into detail, that's what the link is for. I just wanted to tell you all of one that has to do with my blog.


If there is one thing we can thank God for is flavors.Like my pastor put it, God always gives us what we need and MUCH MORE. He could just give us gray tasteless paste that has all the nutrients we need for survival, but He doesn't. He has literally given us a whole world full of all different flavors. That, my friends, is one of the biggies on my list of praises. If you have other things to praise God about (which we do! Just start with your five senses), post them on her blog! Or here, I'll do it for you! I know she'd love to read them and add them to the list. Well that's all for tonight. I'm off to drink new tea! I'll let ya know if it's any good.

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